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Booking & Coaching

booking tips and supplies needed...


                                         Supplies Needed: 

- Contact list, referal sheets, or leads              - cell phone 

- date book                                                  - positive attitude  

- pen or pencil                                              - scripts 








ATTITUDE is EVERYTHING if you do not sound happy NO ONE will book with you. Do some jumping jacks, listen to your favorite song or say an affiremation before booking. When you are smiling you sounds happier! (Austin says use your cheerleading voice) 


                                                    Affirmation To Say Outloud (it works) 

“ I am a master booker. Everyone I know wants to book with me.

People actually cancel with YOU just to book with me. “





DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL you must take the emotion out of it! This is a business and you must treat it as one. If someone tells you no they are not rejecting you they are just saying no to the opportunity or maybe its just a no right now. This business is mathematical and magical. The math happens when you know and work your numbers. 


          Number to Know When Booking- Law of averages 

Book 10 to Hold

Book 7 to Hold

Book 5 to Hold


When you know and work your law of averages you will be much happier! Parties do cancel, life happens so it's always smart to have multiple parties on your  books at all times. The best place to be is when you have so many parties on your books and one reschedules and you are like "OMG think goodness I have so much activity that I am totally okay with that" 


When you get upset about a party rescheduling or someone telling you no they don't want to book a party and you shut down you are not taking the emotion out of it. This would be similar to if you walked into Nordstrom and you didn't buy anything and they closed their doors and just said "she didn't buy anything, so we are going to close are doors because we are so upset" That would be crazy!!! So work like Nordstrom and keep on working even when no one buys anything or when someone tells you no. Work your averages and you will be just fine. 


***dont get me wrong it sucks when people say no or when you have a zero dollar party but just brush it off and move on. 



Final Booking Tips


- Keep calls to 3 minutes or less - if you are a talker then put a timer next to your phone 

- Take care of business first and then catch up- you never want someone thinking you were just asking them how they were and      

   catching up because you wanted them to book a party 

- After you get one booking don't stop, keep going!!! They can hear the EXCITEMENT in your voice. 

- Reward yourself for hitting your booking goal. 





These booking scripts are the only scripts you will ever need and are proven to work. You want to book 8 parties to hold 5. If each party had 5 people that would give you 25 faces and then all you need is 5 more faces to hit your 30 faces in 30 days challenge! Super easy and will make your business super strong. These scripts are NOT to be changed. They are PROVEN and WORK. 


Make sure to watch the video on the 21 day booking challenge 


Always use the scripts provided! 


A Party Worth Booking is a Party Worth Coaching 

"when you choose not to coach your parties, that is you handing the hostess a blank check and asking her to determine your commission that night!" ENSD Lia Carta 


Getting the guest list from your hostess is crucial to your success- once party is booking you will want to get the guest list within the first 24-48hours. I always tell my hostess that she will get a mascara or a lipgloss when I receive the guest list within the first 24-48hours. 


Goody Bag Coaching Method 


"Hi Trisha this is Brandi with Mary Kay we have a mutual friend Jessica. I wasn't sure if you got her invite for her party this Saturday at 7pm, but I'm putting together your FREE customized swag bag and just needed to confirm if you would prefer more cosmetic goodies or skincare goodies in your bag?" 


Her Reply: What she prefers...


Your Reply: "Great I will have that for you Saturday! I do have a few skin specific questions to ensure I'm prepared for your specific skin type and needs so if you could answer some questions for me. Would it be better for me to text them to you or call you? It will only tak 60seconds. 



Is you skin more comb/oily or normal/dry? 

Have you ever tried Mary Kay before? 

Do you have any skincare concerns you would like me to address? 



Her Reply: She can't make it to the party 


You: "no worries, Trisha has 3 giftcards she was reserving for people that couldn't make it. The giftcard is for a free facial and some free products. So I can totally get you squeezed in for a seperate facial in the next two weeks. What would work better for you a weeknight or weekend? 


Your Response: "great I hold my appts in the comfort of your own home on Saturdays 1pm or 4pm or on Sundays at 3pm or 5pm. What day and time would work best for you? Also you can choose to hold your appointment with 2-5 girlfriends and I can double your free products. What works better for you with friends or alone? 



What's In a Goody Bag! 

Cosmetics: Color Sample or Color Card, business card, candy 


Skincare: Skincare sample or mini handcream, business card, candy 


Hostess Goody Bag: 

I put a full size product*, business card, candy and a giftcard 


*the full size product is either a hand cream ($5 your cost) or a MK @ play product ($5) or Brush Cleaner ($5 your cost) or Pink Sale Item (pink sale in discontinued products that are discounted) or Beauty Blotters ($3 your cost) 


You can get cello bags/ treat bags from Walmart in party section 20 for $.97 or target has some too- always check dollar section at target 

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