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Money Matters

Congratulations on working through your check list and earning prizes along the way. This section is all about managing your money and taxes. Now that you are a CEO of your business money management is super important.  When your Mary Kay account is empty your business is empty and close to being bankrupt. When your Mary Kay bank account is flush your business is booming!!! We want to make sure that your bank account is always flush. 


Money management is one of the things that stumps up most people and it is usually only because running a new business is new for most. In this lesson you will get all the resources you need in order to stay organized and prevent yourself from embezzling from your business. Whenever confused make sure you always ask me questions and I am here to help you. 



Listen To NSD Leah Lauchlan On Money Management...Make sure to Listen to All 4

Document to Print and Keep On Money Management and the 60/40 split

Money Monday!

Demo & Personal Use

Find the labels in your WOW notebook packet. 

organizing your receipts for taxes!

Tax Checklist

Smart Ordering

Discountinued Product Bin

"You can't sell from an empty wagon" -Mary Kay Ash. Watch this video to find out more about having products on hand. While it is not mandatory it will change your business if you do have products on hand. 



Sell 75% more products 

Have a hire return on repeat customers 

save on shipping (flat rate $9.35) 

save time (wont have to deliver products) 


If you need help with credit card options that will work for you, go to and sign up, get your credit score and then let me know what it is and I can guide you in the directions of what card will work best and have the best rates.

Weekly Accomplishment Sheet...From now on known as WAS

Weekly Accomplishment Sheet: 


This sheet is so crucial to keeping your money seperate and doing exactly how much you profited and how much to pay yourself each week. Also this will make the end of the year doing your taxes a breeze!


This also will help me, help you. When you are entering your numbers I will know if you are right on track or if you need more help in an area, like selling or recruiting. Without you entering this information, I wont be able to help you as well. 


Make sure by Sunday or Money each week you enter your numbers. You will also receive recognition on our weekly call only if you entered your weekly results. Remember enter your results even if you had a zero dollar week. 

What Does It Mean To Be "Active" ......

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