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Mastering A Skincare Party

This lesson is all about holding skincare appointments. This is the bread and butter of your business and where you will make 98% of your money from. The more appointments you hold the more confident you will become and the higher your recruiting and sales will be. You will probably want to revisit this section multiple times.  


I would suggest watching these videos multiple times and coming back to the areas you fill like you need more practice on. The one thing I do know though is this page can only help you but so much, you will truely become better by actually holding appointments. Do not think you have to memorize EVERYTHING before holding an appointment because believe me you wont be making money for months if you do that. Use this page as a guide but get those bookings on your books right away and just go out and have fun! No party will be perfect and their will always be room for improvement and use this page to improve. 


Once your inventory order comes in make sure to go on and set up your travel roll up bag with all your demo products! This image shows you exactly what goes in each pocket. 


Pocket 1: came in your starter kit (besides skinvigorate brush)

Pocket 2: Day & Night (came in starter kit) Microderm and Renewal eyecream came in inventory

Pocket 3 & 4: came in inventory


STEP 2: Learn What To Pack For A Party, Using Only Your Starter Kit Bag. Watch the short video below...

STEP 3: Setting Up For A Party...

Always arrive to a party 15min before the start time. That will give you enough time to set up and be ready to great people as they arrive. Make sure at each spot you have a mirror, pen, wash cloth or facial cloth, and profile card. Then in the middle of the table have spray bottles. Do not put out the clear trays until you fill them. It is easier to fill them and then put them in the mirror/tray then to try to fill it in the tray. One thing not photoed above but I do use is place mats for each place setting, you can get them at the dollar store or Ikea. You can use the profile cards that the company uses or you can use these printable profile cards below.

Filling the tray- If you prepofiled you should know the skintype of each person coming. However if you did not preprofile you can fill in each dot just skip cleanser and moisturizer because we customize that to the persons skintype. A little product goes a long way so use the appove photo to see how much product you should use. You can also print the tray inserts using the button below. 

STEP 4: Holding The Appointment...

Leaving Your Party With Hundreds of Leads

Leaving a party or facial without asking for referrals is the biggest mistake you can make. Referrals are the way to keep your business running. If you happen to have a zero dollar party but you leave with 100 names thats a win!!! If you leave a party with $200 and zero leads its a win but that win will not last as long as the zero dollar party with 100 referrals. Remember bookings are how we run our business and 90% of the time those booking will come from referrals. So print the referral sheet and take it with you to ALL your parties. If you forget them you can always use the back of the profile card. #noexcuses 

Closing Your Party With Set Sheets & Demo Bag

Wondering how you are going to sell a bunch of products without being pushy? You do that by using a set sheet. Set sheets are so crucial to your parties and sells. NEVER have a lookbook out at your party. Look Books will minimize the amount of sells you have and people will order things you do not have on your shelf. This is why we use a set sheet. Watch the video above to learn how to show the sets. Even if you do not have a demo bag you still use set sheets. Have at least 4 printed. I do mine double sided and laminated however you can always put them in page protectors. #happyselling

STEP 5: Closing The Appointment...

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