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Welcome to Goal Setting and Tracking! 

Congratulations on continuing your education and investing this time in your business. This lesson is all about dreaming BIG, setting GOALS and TRACKING those goals, so they become an action plan. When you set goals, followed by creating an action plan and then putting that plan into action you will have an amazing business which will make you extra thousands of dollars!!! A goal without a plan is just a dream. Go through this section and actually put into action what you have learned and do ALL the activities and print the documents you need. 


In this lesson you will be provided with all the documents and tools you need to dream, plan and achieve. Make sure you take the time to print and use the documents and create your tracking and goal boards. I have worked this business both ways, one by tracking and planning and it works AMAZING when I TRACK, remember a tracked number grows. I have also worked this business when I didnt track and believe me it's much harder when you do not track. Also when you track I can help you, when you do NOT track its hard for me to help you because I will not know your numbers. 



Tracking and Goal Posters

Monthly Goal Sheet

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